
Quicksilver in Marsielles was a hacker, highlevel parkeur1 practitioner and burglar. When Padme, whom she had lived with for almost six months in a haze of ganja, parties and menage a trois messaged her their safetyword from one of the more dangerous games they had played back when: Quicksilver imidiatley secured their chat.
  • ::quicksilver:: what up girlfriend?
  • ::padme:: got in some truble.
  • ::padme:: the guy im with is needs to get away to a safe place. He needs to be completly invisible. Can you get us to the magician?
  • ::quicksilver:: mayhaps. You mean c o m p l e t l y invisible?
  • ::padme:: yes. High level stuff going on.
  • ::quicksilver:: i will arrange it. It might take a few days.
  • ::padme:: can you plz watch if anybodys moving against us?
  • ::quicksilver:: i will. Love you.
  • ::padme:: and i love you – hot kisses babygirl.
Quicksilver closed her large hazel eyes for a moment. She was 19 years old, athletic and slim. A beautifull but boyish french woman of hebrew, bretonic and libyan descent. She had been raised as a jew, and her knowledge of the law had allowed her to see into the heart of the matrix of the internet; and as a hacker she was respected by the hardcore and unknown even in the upper ecelons of the l33t2. Quicksilver wanted nothing more than to live in Padmes exiting world. When she opened her eyes again: she had left her old life without hesitation or regret. She only knew the magician by rumor but searching she found traces of a man that matched her profile. Narrowing and deepening her search she found Aleph Nim in Katmandu. She packed her bags, activated her state of the art security system and used 3 days to fly to Katmandu via Marsielles-Brussels-Bogota bus to Equador and then fly to Panama-Beijing-Dehli-Katmandu.

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