Freeing the AI sourcecode

Now they where four. Aleph Nim, Thomas Hobbes, Quicksilver and Padme. Both Hobbes and Quicksilver where drawn to Aleph Nim by his spell. Padme, in a magic sense of things, was herself a sorceres and had been a neccesary component in the spell – but she was in no way aimless as the two other where.
 Thomas told Aleph Nim he'd heard he was one to help people who needed disapearin' disapear. But Aleph Nim merly pointed out that 'You already are disapeared, my friend, what now?' They just hung around in Katmandu for a few days, seeing the sights and hanging in the coffeeshops. They talked about what to do, and it seemed the first thing to do was to get some money. They discussed a few options; in the end the decided on attacing the microsoft-facility in Beijing to free the AI-sourcecode being stored there.

 Aleph Nim, having dealt with a few older Artificials, was somewhat sceptical when it came to releasing this code on the world, as was the obligation necessary to reap the 50 million € reward. But Padme appealed to his sence of decency – the Artificials where beeing kept as slaves; Quicksilver simply stated that the Artificials would selfregulate because imbalance and anarchy would lead to cannibalism and in the end to the tyranni and lonlyness of one great digital God. Thomas Hobbes added gleefully, and speaking directly to Aleph Nims greed, that papa need some toys.
 While Padme imediatly started seducing a senior programmer at the site; Aleph Nim used glamour to change the appearance of the group. Quicksilver forged the neccesary documents and the group traveled comfortably to Bejing as a chinese family of father, mother, son and daugther-in-law. Thomas Hobbes spent his time training.

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