Thomas Hobbes

When called by the magician Thomas Hobbes was in his 28th year and at his physical peak. He had grown up on the mean streets of Seattle, and by his 15th year he was an assasin and enforcer. 17 years old he was caught in a stolen car on his way from a murderscene. His lawyer cut a deal with the States Atorney. Hobbes never got convicted for the murders, but had to serve in the armed forces for 10 years for his grand theft auto.

Even though one of the youngest in basic camp he quicly became a leader and was promoted to corporal. After basic training he was sent to special weapons training awaiting his 18th birthday and status as legal combatant. After serving two years in active combat Hobbes was fieldpromoted to seargent. He served one year as seargent before starting his 2 year special ops training. He served two years in special ops before beeing transfered to black ops and the supersolider-project.

At 28th Thomas Hobbes considered himself to have paid his debts to society, but black ops would not let him go. He was looking for a way out when he was sent to China where terrorists had fortified themselves inside the old bunker cities of what was once North-Korea.

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