A break-in with complications

In Beijing Padme got them the facility-plans, a copy of the access-card and details on the rather strict security. She would oversee the incursion from the escape-vehicle, a jetblack rebuilt Humvee 2089, some random guy had lost in poker to Aleph Nim. Quicksilver, Hobbes and Aleph would enter the building using stealth and force.

To buy proper equipment they needed cash. Hobbes was wearing black combatfatigues, but no armour exept for skateboard-issue knee-protectors and a simple Pro-Tec extremesportshelmet. His face was completly hidden behind combat-makeup, helmet and his Ray-Ban style nightvision-goggles. He was lightly armed – with a silenced gun and a combatknife. Quicksilver was wearing her thigthfitting parkour ninja-suit with hood and all, on her back hung a decent katana. Aleph whore his normal clotes exept for the insulated parkour-gloves all of them whore.

They adeptly crossed the electric fence, and ran across the employee-only park without beeing seen. They had been quicker than expected,and Quicksilvers virus would not start its attack for another 2 minutes 43 seconds. When the guard came round the corner, Aleph, who without even Hobbes noticing had moved to the corner simply touched the mans neck, held his grip for a moment, and then proceded to hide the unconsious guard in the shadows. All the thime speaking lowly to the guards dog. He bid the dog keep guard cross the corner, and went back. When the virus attacked the clock for the security-system was put back 12 hours and thus, by all practical means and measures it was day and businesshours. Using a hacked version of the access-card they got through every door on the way silently ran straigth into the inner laboratory without meeting a single guard.
After inspecting the unimprinted prototype they all agreed it would be impossible to diconnect it without the alarms going off. Aleph Nim who normaly was a very cautious man wanted to try his groups strengths. He ordered Hobbes to go outside to hold off early arriving polive, Padme to drive to the rescue at his signal unless someone needed EVAC – in which case she was free to do her will. Quicksilver would steal the prototype and he would back her up.

When she saw him in the great hall, she was flying down the stairs quicker than any elevator, he waved her on. Guards where running towards them, but he walked towards the 3 guards like it was just another day in the office. She knew she should run – but had to see. He walked towards them, she could hear him talking to them above their policelike shouthing and when he was close enough they simply fell without him moving. He waved her on again, and quickly took the guards sidearms and extra magasines.

The guys in the first policecar never knew what hit them. They parked in front of the main enterance, Hobbes stepped out of the shadows and shot them with his silenced gun at point blank range. He helped himself to their bodyarmour, a shotgun – who he slung over his shoulder, a backup-gun and a ancle-holster, two standard issue chinese military 9mill, 24shots, recoilreduction and laser-aid aimingsystem and a combat-helmet. As the second car was driving up, drawing their weapons he sent them to their maker with two quick shotgunshots, he sidestepped the car who crashed into the first policecar and proceded to fill up on ammo. He put the shotguns and extra ammo in a gymbag he found and taped all the bodyarmour he found up so that it would transport easier. They now had set up a 100 meter perimeter around him with two poliecars in each direction.
Sticking her head round the corner Quicksilver saw 3 running figures coming towards her; Aleph was just behind her so she just ran straigth towards them, took a slide long the ground 'neath them and kept running – the guys turned and started to run after her and was brutaly put to sleep by Aleph in reward for turning their backs on a dragon.
When they came out the door Hobbes was taking fire from a solitary weapon. He was hidden behind a policecar who had taken heavy fire and was leaking diezel like mad. He was changing his magazine, when he saw them he signaled them to wait. He quickly changed his position, shot an agressive series of shots, and then shouted clear! and started to renew the used rounds in his magazine.

Aleph gave Padme the signal, she picked them up and they dissapeared into the humid Beijing night while the SWAT teams where still getting their fatigues on.

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